I signed up for Brave Creators last week and opened and linked a Gemini account to my Creators account. My Gemini account was verified on Friday, but now on Tuesday I can still not receive Tips. The pop-up in the browser says I didn’t complete the account configuration in order to reveive donations. Did I miss something or is there a problem?
Thanks for any help!
As a creator did you link a platform such as YouTube, Twitter a Website etc?
Once the platform is linked then it usually takes a couple of days at least for your Brave Creators dashboard to show the platform you linked is verified. Then people can send you tips via the BAT triangle in the upper right of the Browser as you already know.
With Gemini this is in relation to withdrawals of your BATs from Brave Creators to Gemini Trust exchange.
Note that any BAT that was tipped to you between the 1st and 30/31st of each month will be paid out the next month. BAT earned during the freeze period (1st to the 8th while payouts are being processed) will be paid out the following month.
Thank you for your response.
Yes I linked and verified a website. The site is recognized by Brave as verified, but it states in the grey box that my account is not yet configured to receive donations (see image below, text is in German)
That notice is for Monthly Contributions and usually displayed when the Brave Wallet that the User is tipping from is empty (zero). When the Brave Wallet has a BAT balance, for example of 0.10 BAT or more then the notice should disappear.
Ask a friend who has some BAT in their Brave wallet to try and tip you. If your comfortable you can also DM me the URL of your website to see if I can tip you?
Thank you for your support! I have sent you the URL…
If it is the case that it is because of my 0 balance, then I find it strange that the message is only displayed on my website and not on other brave verified sites…
I also get this notice when people tip my YouTube channel (zero Brave Wallet balance) but when tipping sites such as Brave or Duckduckgo with zero Brave balance they do not get the notice.
Also so there is no confusion, Gemini has no relation to your website being verified. Brave Creators have two withdraw options 1. Uphold 2. Gemini which are both exchanges.
Thank you… You were right with your first proposal… What is confusing is the text that is displayed, since it clearly states that the account of the contributer is not yet configured to receive BAT (at least in German )
hi @steeven , thank you for getting back to me. It seems that @sphyber pointed out the reason why I got the message displayed (0 BAT balance in browser). But I would like to note that the message that is displayed is rather confusing for a noob like me… (At least in the German text) it states that the creators account is not correctly configured yet to receive BAT… So maybe you could change that…