Creators status never verified and states I have not signed up to receive contributions


I signed up for the creators account and linked my YouTube account to my creator account. I was not prompted to verify my account. I was able to receive 2 BAT earlier today but now am seeing my banner state

“This Brave Verified Creator has not yet configured their account to receive contributions from Brave Users. Any tips you send will remain in your wallet until they complete this process.”

But I already received bat and have it in my creator account. My Gemini account is also linked and states my Gemini account is linked.

Why this popping up? And preventing me from receiving BAT?


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Now I have been waiting for my rewards to be deposited and it was pending for the past couple of days. However today it stopped saying it was pending and is now not saying anything.

Can anyone help me?

try talking to @steeven :slight_smile:

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