Full Screen Isn't Working Anymore


My Brave browser won’t maximize anymore when I hit the maximize button. Even if I’m on YouTube or Netflix and I click fullscreen on the video, it only expands to the maximum width of the window.

Something else strange that may or may not be related, if I close. the application, it never fully ends the process anymore unless I force quit the application. The browser won’t be able to reopen until that happens either.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Brave is up to date

Version 1.48.158 Chromium: 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) (arm64)


Mac Monterey, 12.2.1

Additional Information:

I’ve tried closing and re-opening the app, turning off TouchUI, updated Brave , restarting computer, turned off all extensions, and uninstall and re-install.

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

Hello @delphynia

could you disable all extension and try in private mode ?

if that help then either with clear cache/history as far as you or one of your extension has some issue so enable them back one by one

if the above did not work then try to create new profile from the menu and see if it work fine there?

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately, neither of those worked for me :frowning_face: Thank you though for trying!

you welcome could you try to go to brave://settings/system and disable Use hardware acceleration when available and see if it make a difference?

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Hello, I actually already keep that setting disabled. I did try restoring all settings to default and then turning it off again, and it didn’t work. I also tried with it on just in case but neither fixed it.

i do not have any other option but i will tag @Mattches from the team to help you

by the way it’s still week end so it will take some time to get response

and have a nice day both of you :slight_smile:

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Does the same happen in a new profile?

Yes the same did happen in a new profile.

Seems something real wrong. I guess what @justsomeone1 did is more appropriate to have someone from the team look into this.

@delphynia one last option to try till the team replay

could you create new mac user just for testing then simply open brave there without doing any customization in brave or on the new mac user

and check if it work fine or not?

That option actually did work! Do you have any idea which settings might be interfering on my user account?

i do not have mac to give assumption to what could be the cause but since the new user work fine then one of the following is makeing the issue

  1. either one of the mac setting do that affect which i do not know which one

  2. one of the files related to brave is currpted in the old user to eliminate this option you would need to backup all your brave data like bookmarks , password , take screen shot of old setting and the setting of your extensions and your reward if you use it (but i guess you will lose any unclaimed BAT but i do not have great knowledge about it as i do not use it anymore)

then uninstall brave then go to /Users/[You]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/ and delete this braveSOftware folder then reinstall brave then start it and without changing any setting test it if it work fine then problem solved and restore all your data

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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could you check this @Mattches

the full screen work only with using new user account (mac account) but her old user does not so i am not sure which setting in mac that could affect brave full screen

and have a nice day everyone :slight_smile:

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Very strange issue.
I would be interested to know if you see this same behavior in other applications on your machine (any other browsers specifically)? I’m also curious whether or not you have an additional/external monitor connected to your mac when you see this happen?

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