Hello! I’m sorry if this is not tagged correctly, but I didn’t see any IOS specific report section.
The issue I’m having is more of an inconvenience, and its a bit hard to explain, but essentially, in the ‘open apps’ thing when you scroll up to look at your minimized apps on IOS, my brave browser is displaying a window that is no longer open.
The thing is, the window in question is one of the Christmas gifts i got for my fiance, who also uses this ipad, and I do not want the gift getting spoiled
Is there a way to essentially refresh the thumbnail the app uses for that so this doesn’t keep happening?
Can you do a favor and give a better description of your issue?
In regards to the third, you’re saying something about a window no longer open being displayed? I’m being thrown off on where you’re seeing this window, not sure about the Open apps thing, etc.
While I have an iPhone and all, just isn’t ringing a bell. If you can perhaps give more detailed steps it will help on trying to replicate and/or give advice.
If I’ve /just/ minimized the brave app, it will display correctly, (hence the correctly shown new window on that screenshot)!!
However, if i haven’t used brave last, sliding up to the in-use apps will have it display the custom earrings order page that i opened days ago, even though that was closed a long time ago; plus it seems to be stuck in horizontal mode too, which is why i assumed it was some kind of issue with brave maybe saving a minimized snapshot of what i was doing and getting stuck on that.
I didn’t send a screenshot of the page that shows up because it’s the order page with the home address visible, sorry.
@PigeonScout typically that would be in the app cache, more OS side of thing. But if you’re done with that website then I would suggest you shred the data. There are several ways of doing it but simplest way is to go to the site you want to be “forgotten,” press and hold down on the tab box in Brave, and then you’ll see a context menu like below. Choose to Shred Site Data
It will then give you a prompt like below. Once you hit Shred Data again it will close that tab and completely purge that website from your History, Cookies, etc. It’ll basically be like you never visited that site at all.
And FYI, if there’s ever any website you want to have that behavior by default, you can do that via Shields settings. So the lion icon that appears on top, that is the site specific one. You can use it similar to above or you can choose an Auto Shred option will clear it either when you exit the website or when you exit the browser:
This should always just show what’s being used. It shouldn’t ever really open to anything you’re no longer on. I would suggest that perhaps if you ever do anything you want to keep “secret,” you do that via a Private window instead. This way it doesn’t save anything. And once you exit Private and go back into normal, it generally purges whatever you had done.
Otherwise just use Shred feature to help purge it all.