Force link to open in current tab (ignore 'target' attribute)

A feature I would use a lot is a key modifier to force a link to open in the current tab (i.e. override the ‘target’ attribute). I’m often forced to have a link spawn a new tab, then cycle back to the parent tab and close it before returning to the new page. In the same way that Brave offers key-modifiers to open a link in a new tab or new window, it would be great if I could force links to ignore target="_blank" attributes and load the link in the active tab with a key-modified click.

Thank you for the feedback.
While we don’t offer this feature at this time, please note that there are certain extensions you can install that will perform this functionality for you.

Thanks! The downside to extensions that do this is that they need to have read/modify access to every webpage and it seems like a something that would fit in well with the other default key-modified link functions in Brave.

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Agreed, this is certainly not an “ideal” solution by any means but I figured I’d suggest it in the interim – great feedback regardless :slight_smile:

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