Description of the issue:
Upon startup of Windows 11 laptop. I open Brave. The browser will then keep opening new windows for a while and i’ll have to go close all of them before using the browser. Notice that the new windows are all the default “new tab” tab, only one of them actually has all the tabs i had opened when I shut off the system.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Have a few tabs open
- (Possibly) Move a few tabs to a new window, then add them back to the original window
- (optionally close Brave browser) then restart system.
- Upon startup open Brave browser.
- Lots of new windows with just new tab open alongside expected window from last session
Expected result:
Only the windows with tabs i didn’t close should be opened. No new windows i didn’t have before restarting the system should open.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Additional Information:
Upon testing newest version it seems to be fixed