Estimated pending rewards went from $5 to $0.78?


I’m using Brave on Windows. My estimated rewards randomly fell from $5 to $0.78. Not sure how/why this happened. I have over 288 ad views this month.


Same here. BATs for all the adds I have viewed since March haven’t come so far despite the payment date being Apr 6th, the estimated rewards have dwindled from being round upwards of 1.5 BATs to 0.1 BAT without any credit into the connected Uphold account.
I’m sorry to say that this whole thing is poorly managed and hence the support team is so inundated with so many complaint’s / requests that they’re also unable to answer for days on end. Planning to uninstall Brave completely so that I don’t have to deal with the puny/miniscule BATs not getting credited into my account and having to write a thousand times about it. Such a wastage of everybody’s time really.


I got the same problem. The BAT dropped suddenly from 5 to around one. Please report and fix the problem!

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Happened with me too. Needs to be fixed

thats normal. because your rewards are updating when you open your brave. After opening brave you see that you have a high BAT Rewards then after a few minutes it will display your original Rewards.

In my case, the amount of BAT changed day by day, in previous days, i have 3-4BAT, when I open the browser today, it drops to 0.3 something…

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Nothing even remotely close to this is the actual scenario. This is a glitch which needs fixing.

This I know but same rewards stuck from yesterday. I’m receiving ads but not updating. Even my total BAT was 3.990 now it is 0.790.

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Same problem here. From 2 BAT to 0.

wait a few mins in the browser… Then reload the homepage.

Same issue. I’m attaching the screenshots too as a proof.

Also, same thing happened to me a few days ago on my mobile browser, that my estimated rewards dropped to zero but then after some hours they recovered. But this time around it has been more than a day and another count from 0.01 BAT has started which has me worried.

Is this a bug or what? They need to resolve this issue asap. I’m using Brave since more than an year without having any problem and now it happens when BAT price shoots up.

Happened to me too , both on mobile and desktop , my pending rewards went from over 1.5 bat to almost 0 bat with over 100 ads watched .

hello the same problem since it was updated has that damn version they have no longer skipped ads :frowning:

same problem here it has dropped from 2.9 bats to 0.01 bat and i have an ad count of 200 it is showing from morning and now it is night here and still showing like that only after so much time and so many refreshes

Same for me! Two bat are gone and didn’t receive.

Two days ago:


Same issues affecting me. 3 devices hit with this bug:
Win 10 laptop
Win 7 desktop
All up-to-date with the latest versions (1.23.71 Chromium: 90.0.4430.72)
Desktop Screenshot:Estimated Rewards

Guys for me it’s showing for a minute and then disappearing. You need to open two tab with rewards page. In second reward tab refresh 6 to 8 times. It’s shows your value.

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