If you haven’t received those, then you contact Mattches or Steeven with your Wallet Info and a brief message advising you haven’t received it yet and would appreciate it if they could look into it for you. And if you did already message them over a week ago, respond here and tag whoever you sent it to and see if they can check for the DM and give you any updates.
I mean, here’s an official response about that from earlier today:
We are more than aware of the issue.
The February payment period had several setbacks that resulted in many wallets not being properly paid out. We are still working to resolve this and all valid (not flagged) wallets will be fully paid out once we’ve fixed the issue.
Thank you.
You can see that on the very bottom of post, where Mattches closed it so we can’t comment anymore. Are the admins aware of the issue of February 2022 payout?