Error when trying to sign/cast vote on with Ledger via Brave Wallet

Description of the issue:
I’ve tried to cast multiple votes on with a Ledger via Brave and am getting a "Wrong signature” error after casting the vote/transaction.
Note that everything works fine up to signing the vote with the Ledger. For example:

  1. I am able to successfully connect the wallet to
  2. I am able to successfully confirm the transaction in the Brave wallet interface.
  3. The Brave wallet correctly brings up the interface to complete the translation on the Ledger
  4. My Ledger asks me to review and sign the transaction/message

When I confirm the transaction on the Leger and it is broadcast back to the site is when the error is produced “ Wrong signature” on the interface and the vote is not cast.

I’ve reached out to via discord and they tested that they are able to cast/sign a vote with a Ledger via meta mask so this must be something with Brave. Note that I’ve been able to successfully cast/sign votes on with a native Brave wallet account ( account that doesn’t require a ledger to sign transactions)

I"m using the Brave Wallet in Avalanche defi everyday with a Ledger and this is the only Brave Wallet/LEdger issue I’ve come across

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Have a Ledger Ethereum or Avalanche account setup with Brave Wallet
  2. Go to and click on a proposal from a network that you were part of the snapshot on for that proposal
  3. Go through the steps to cast a vote, after signing the transaction with your Ledger the site will produce an error “ Ops…Wrong Signature”

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Version 1.34.81 Chromium: 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information: has a discord…their developer " Laurent" confirmed that Ledger with Metamask works on their site

Thanks for the report, investigating it here:

Thanks Brian…really appreciate what you guys are doing…the wallet is great…I’ve never even used Metamask…

Thanks! We’ll have this fix released in Release channel of Brave somewhere around ~March 1st. It’s on already if you wanted to switch to that as your browser in the meantime (earlier access to features).

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FYI this is on release channel as of the start of this month.

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