Brave self custody Ledger cant sign to use it for brave rewards

Hey, i linked my ledger to the brave wallet. When i try to use that to connect for brave rewards and try to sign it i get the following error msg:

Something went wrong
There was an unexpected error and we weren’t able to finalize the connection. Please try again.

Can someone hint me what i do wrong? :smiley: Thanks

What ledger model? Thanks!

Its the ledger nano s. And when i try to sign the in brave that i want to connect the brave rewards i get the error

To confirm, you’ve already added the Ledger to your Brave Wallet? Do you have the Solana app added to your ledger? Is it selected when you attempt to connect?


ledger is connected to brave. Ledger is connected to my pc and my solana app is open when i try that.

I also have tried to completly redo it all again like resetting brave wallet and doing it again. nothing worked

I can confirm the Ledger is not currently supported for Brave Rewards/Solana connections. You’ll need to use a Hot wallet to connect at this time. Sorry for the trouble!

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