I discussed this in this topic, but can we have a flag that allows pressing a filled in bookmark button to take you to the edit bookmark screen? It’s annoying that I can’t edit bookmarks without navigating through the bookmark manager. Also, pressing the bookmark button in chrome takes you to the edit menu. I would appreciate if there could be a flag for this. Thanks!
How about:
Click to “Add/Remove bookmark”
Long press to “edit bookmark”
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I think this would be a great addition to Brave Browser with the long click. Right now you can’t save a link to a specificfolder. If the link exists in a folder and you’re on a Mobile Phone, and you create the bookmark again by unchecking and checking the bookmark button it deletes your old bookmark and places the new one in mobile bookmarks automatically and this is frustrating!
I would also add one more thing, a check box option to add the bookmark to one or multiple locations such as “Mobile Bookmarks” “Desktop Bookmarks” “User Created Bookmark Folder.” And add a “Do-Not-Sync” option on each bookmarks folder.