I’ve tried to download 1password extension (and some others). No download will start. The error message is Time out the network
thanx for helping out
There is another open topic per macOS download problems you might want to look at. Is this your issue also? You can continue posting there too if this is a duplicate topic post.
This does not solve the problem.
i have discovered the download works okay if i diable pure vpn, wich is not what i want …
I work on a mac computer (Catalina 10.15.7)
I could not find a GitHub issue report related to this issue. Tagging @Mattches to have a look. Also, you posted your macOS as Catalina 10.15.7. Are you updated to the latest Brave version?
Please be aware that it is a weekend here in the USA (currently Saturday morning) and support staff usually do not work weekends. They may pop in but you probably won’t get any more information until at least Monday.
yep i am updated to the latest version of brave and macOS on this computer.
I think this issue has to do with PureVPN specifically — I use a VPN regularly and have no issue downloading files. Would you mind testing another browser (Chrome, for example) and see if you’re able to download files with the PureVPN extension installed there?
funny, now it seems to work fine…
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