Don't let me connect to Uphold's account

Good, I hope you can help me solve this problem, I’ve been trying to connect Uphold’s account to the Brave Rewards wallet for two weeks, but I couldn’t because I always get the error that says: Oops! The Brave Rewards server does not respond. We will solve this inconvenience as soon as possible. And in my Uphold account it is verified, but I don’t even get the Brave Rewards card, I don’t know what to do, please wait for your response as soon as possible.

I use the Windows 7 32-bit operating system
[Versión 1.3.118 Chromium: 80.0.3987.116 (Official Build) (32-bit)]

Can you try reconnecting your account via BAT triangle icon at URL bar?


This is what I get, he asks me to verify, but my account is verified and the Brave card I have is but I do not know if that card can also receive the ads

I update the page a lot until I finally get it, but within seconds the error comes out again, I already updated Brave and still it continues and still asks me to verify my Uphold account

Discussion here Brave Rewards no se conecta a Uphold