Disable Omnibox Dropdown

Description of the issue: Omnibox shows a list of history, and bookmarks when I begin typing in URL Box. Tried finding a way to disable this, but it still shows up.

How can this issue be reproduced? Type in URL box

Expected result: When I type in the box it should show only that which I am typing. No need for it to force my history and bookmarks to show up

Brave Version( check About Brave): [Version 1.1.23 Chromium: 79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Additional Information: I’ve disabled prediction service, and tried a few things in Flags. I could really use some help here. I don’t have this problem with Firefox, and Vivaldi as I can easily disable it there. I would love to make this browser my go to, but this dropdown bunk is really annoying.

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Settings --> Appearance --> Show Autocomplete in address bar

@Mattches I don’t see it.

Sorry for the late response – that’s my bad. It looks like this particular feature is still making it’s way down the pipeline. Currently sitting in Dev build and will make its way to Release shortly. I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.

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@Mattches Thanks for the headsup. Have a great holiday.

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