No Bookmarks Autocompletion in Address Bar When Browsing History Autocompletion is Disabled

Description of the Issue

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Disable Browsing History Autocompletion (without disabling Bookmarks Autocompletion) in SettingsAppearanceToolbarShow autocomplete suggestions in address bar

Actual Result

When typing in the address bar, Bookmarks are suggested only, not used to automatically complete.

Expected result

When typing in the address bar, Bookmarks are suggested and used to automatically complete.


Brave: 1.65.123 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Chromium: 124.0.6367.91
OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2
Note: As far as I know, this issue is also present in every other version that supports features that were used to reproduce the bug.


Same. The workaround I came up with:

  1. Install the extension No History
  2. clean the history completely
  3. turn off the no history extension
  4. open every single bookmark
  5. turn on the no history extension
  6. turn on the History autocomplete suggestions

This will of course disable your history.

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Yup, seems to work, yet turning history off is a little problem. Currently, the only thing that can be done is hope that this will be addressed at some point.

While I do understand the misconception here, this is actually the expected behavior. Basically, the type down/autocomplete applies to top sites and your browsing history — that is, those types of data will autocomplete in the address bar the way you want.

The other check boxes listed there (bookmarks, quick commands, etc) will only be suggested in the drop down.

That said, if you visit those sites frequently (which I suspect you do since they’re bookmarked), leaving the History check box enabled will pull those entries first to be autocompleted anyway.

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