Disable idle/inactive/sleep tabs reload and disable Shields

hi all,

I recently switched from other browsers (been trying to find the one that meets all my needs) and came to try Brave.
Looks great, enjoy it a lot however I still find these two issues that i’m struggling a lot with.

I tried looking for solutions online, all answers are outdated, or don’t work.

I am under Windows, use version 1.66.118 Chromium: 125.0.6422.147 (Official Build) (64-bit).

1- I am used to having a LOT of open tabs, on purpose, that’s my browsing style. However, whenever i go to one of the tabs that was open some time ago, it reloads. Sometimes i lose some precious info because of that. Either I start filling out a form, or the refresh makes me lose some paging, or the article gets updated, or i lose the “infinite scroll” position etc. I hate this feature and can’t get how to totally disable it. I do not want to save some memory, i want to keep my tabs as is.

2- I use extensions for blocking ads, trackers etc and am happy with these. I can control them, disable them, and they work great. Then, I have Shields. I tried disabling everything and turning of all features, and still, on every page, i see the icon and it’s written “shield is UP”… there seems to be something going on as well as some sites are not properly working because of that, either some are blocking me from logging in because “js needs to be enabled”, or some dont work at all like Stripe for payments. How can i definitively turn it off 100% ?

I only want to know if it is possible to do these two stuff or if it is not possible; if not possible, that’s fine, no hard feelings, i wont waste more of my time nor yours and look for another solution.

Thanks for any help.

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