Brave said I would receive BAT by November 7th in regards to the month of October, but I did not receive anything. Can anyone help me?
I didnt get mine yet either but usually its a day or two after the notice they are being sent that they show up depending on wallet you use
@gpradocastro @gpradocastro Payouts are still being processed
I havent received them yet in my gemini account but the dashboard gemini link on homepage shows they are there now…I just dont see them yet in Gemini—once i get them I push to Gemini Earn–need to earn that 3.5% off the free BAT
Absolutely the same problem, Brave said I would receive BAT by November 7th in regards to the month of October. Support service, can you tell me when the charges will be made ?
Same here. Can someone let me know if I will be getting my BAT rewards for October?
I think their explanation is that they “start” processing payments on the dates given but it can take several days or more.
same here with an uphold account verified
Hi, Same here, wait & see i think
Same, I have three devices connected, but have only received the BAT earned on one of them. Guess I just have to wait and should get the rest this week.
And all my bat are vanished…
Does anyone know if they are working on this? This bug is really a disaster for their browser and business model. If these rewards do not work, what is the use of using Brave at all?
same thing happened to me too, just gone, ZERO literally
Its all gone – still zero. October earning vanished and today is 9th and mine is verified with gemini
Please read the notice at the top of the page about payments before posting that you’re not receiving anything. The payment process is still ongoing.
This is a payout status update for the Brave Ads payout date beginning on November 7th, 2021.
Brave Ads Payout status:
Verified Uphold wallets :
Payments Processing.
Verified Gemini wallets :
Payments Processing.
Unverified wallets:
Claims Available.
Hi all, same here. Yet to receive my BAT payments as stated on 8 November.
As stated in the post above, and as I will state again.
Payouts are still processing.
did not received bat from october too
I seriously wish I could close threads…
I also have not received mine yet for last month. I did notice that for some odd reason it disconnected my wallets, which was a simple fix BUT I hope that did not disrupt things. Does anyone know if it would?