Default magnet/torrent action

Description of the issue:

After last Brawe update i am having trouble with torrents. I use uTorrent, before the update clicking on magnet link it would open the uTorrent and start download without any prompt ( i liked that), same with torrent links.
Now clicking on magnet shows me a "open uTorrent " or “cancel” prompt that i cant turn off. While clicking on torrent link just saves the file in download folder and i have to add it manually, it worked fine before the update.

How can i set magnet/torrent default action to just open in the program without prompt?

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 0.69.132 Chromium: 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Thanks for reaching out.
At this time, there’s no way for you to set this – however, I recently opened an issue on our Github to include this feature in future releases:

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