Ctrl-Tab to switch to most recent tabs option

The current behavior to switch between tabs only really makes sense if you have a couple of tabs open, say 6(?). If you like many other people have many tabs open, cycling through the tabs becomes useless. Let’s say you have 30 (I have many more) open tabs and you want to go back and forth to/from the last tab opened. Or cycle in the order of last active (Firefox option). That seems to be much more functionally helpful.

Can there be a setting added to allow for this? It’s quite a nice feature to have.

I saw this topic but wanted to add a more thorough reason why it would be a great feature.


+1 for this feature. I migrated from Firefox and this is a must have feature in my workflow.


@Sergio @hugbro,
While the specific shortcuts you mentioned aren’t available, that there are some keyboard shortcuts you can use to jump between tabs, regardless of number:

Jump to the next open tab Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
Jump to the previous open tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp
Jump to a specific tab Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8
Jump to the last tab Ctrl + 9
Jump to the first tab Ctrl + 1

It would be very good if a feature cycles through tabs in recently used order (ctrl+tab) will added. Ctrl+tab is user friendly and quick.

It is the only reason why Brave isn’t my default browser. :frowning:


It’s only one of the 100 features I’d miss from Vivaldi but it’s certainly the most painful. I can’t even believe the Brave devs use their browser without this. Or are they like the morons at The Linux Foundation who don’t even use Linux? (Yes I know of all the random third party add-ons that try to fix this)

I too prefer the feature of switching tabs in order of last used for the reason given in OP. It seems reasonable to me to map this to Alt+Tab, since this is familiar to many users and since you have already additionally used both Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn and mouse scrolling over the tab list, which is faster anyway and probably available to most desktop users, for switching in order of listing.

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Big up !
Just switched back to Brave after few years with Firefox.
But not having the Ctrl+Tab returning to the last tab where I was is annoying. It’s so useful when we have several tabs and just open a tab for research and switch back easily to main tab (like for programming etc)
It is strange that Brave didn’t have that option since years.


This is implemented now:


WOOHOO! I may actually use the brave browser now. Although I’ve had Brave installed for a long time I almost never use it because of the lack of Ctrl-Tab.

I second Arnaud-42 sentiment: “I can’t even believe the Brave devs use their browser without this.”

It’s almost beyond comprehension to me how a power user could use a browser without MRU tabs.

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What are some of the other key features you’d miss from Vivaldi?

I don’t mind having the option for this, but I don’t like it being enabled by default, it goes against default Windows (and expected) behavior and it’s annoying to have to revert it on every machine on every install.

I logged in to say ‘Thank you’ for this feature.

I accidentally learned about this new setting in Brave. I too do not understand how users who care about efficiency can live without MRU tab switching. I was using some extension in the past for this but it was less than ideal. Now, Brave can finally become my primary web browser, especially on MacOS where I do not want to use Firefox (which is not very energy efficient on Mac). (Google Chrome stubbornly refuses to implement this. Because of that, I almost never use it. Well, now I can get rid of it for good.)

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I noticed that if this feature is enabled, “Cmd-Shift-[” and “Cmd-Shift-]” does not work as expected. Is this by design?

The currently implementation is actually bad if you think of it:

With “Cycle throught the most recently used tabs with Ctrl-Tab” enabled, there is no way to simply cycle through tabs in the order in which they are displayed, i.e. Ctrl + PgUp or Ctrl + PgDwn will behave exactly as Ctrl + Tab and cycle in order of “most recently used”.

With “Cycle throught the most recently used tabs with Ctrl-Tab” disabled, there is no way to cycle through tabs in the order in which they have been used.

So Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + PageUp / Down share the same behaviour, when in fact a better way of handling this would be to have Ctrl + Tab (by default, with the opt-out provided by the relevant setting) cycle through as per “last recently used” and Ctrl + PageUp / Down cycle through as per position.


Well I recently try the cycle tab, but I don’t like it. In Firefox I have a preview before choosing my tab to change and with brave don’t. (it’s the unique reason why I don’t use brave like my default browser)


I am in the exact position. It breaks my heart to see all my friends use Brave and see the browser grow so much while I can’t use it since the Ctrl + Tab is such a deep portion of my browser workflow.
If there were plugins that allow this I would switch, but these plugins are often unreliable or require a third-party software.

There’s now a setting in Brave to toggle how Ctrl+Tab functions
but you have to use an extension to restore correct function of Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn:

(Thanks @EntranceJew)

This has now been moved with… well, I don’t know when it was moved. But definitely in version v1.66.118 (May 31, 2024) Chromium to 125.0.6422.147 it is found under:

Settings >> Content >> Fourth option/toggle switch down
“Cycle through the most recently used tabs with Ctrl-Tab”

(this is now the default behaviour as of a few versions ago, and if you’re used to the old sequential way then it’s a little annoying which is what lead me to searching for this option. Each to their own.)