Couldn't get any rewards and problem with Zebpay account

Hi, my rewards wallet used to link with my Uphold account few yrs ago, then due to unsupported region for a while i couldn’t earn any BAT, then i got zebpay to link, first month i got some BAT then next month in rewards summary it showed some ads, " ads seen this month 17, but BATs showing 0 (zero), i thought it would reflect at the time of payment. Again this month started, getting ads but still not showing any BAT balance and also zebpay account that connected also gets logged out daily or in 2 days.

@Saoiray @SmartyAadi

The balance shown is your previously deposited BAT in your account. It is not related to your current earnings.

If recently connected your first payment will take place in March. Thanks!

I’ve connected still sometimes it gets logged out but again I connect it. Here thing is I get ads but estimated bat and balance bat is shown zero always, I doesn’t estimate or calculate atall. How to sort this out.

@Kaushik666 there is no such thing as estimated earnings. This was removed a while ago. If you’re seeing those words, you’re using an outdated version of Brave, which may be part of your issues. Currently you only see ads viewed and your current balance that you have in your account.

As to being logged out, that just would prevent you from seeing your current balance. It should still be linked to ZebPay and you would receive that payout to ZebPay regardless. It’s just when in the logged out state you wouldn’t be able to send tips or see your current balance.

Sorry, I mistakenly said estimated rewards; it is just showing ads seen this month and BAT balance, which is always zero. Also, no BAT added to the Zebpay account from the previous month.

@Kaushik666 okay, I’m just going to try to cover all the bases here. To make sure you realize, the way payouts work is we see ads from the first until the end of the month. Then around the 8th the payout process begins. Sometimes payouts can arrive instantly, but more often than not we will see that it takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete.

I do not know when you connected to ZebPay, but let’s say it was in January. At that point you would still be waiting to receive your first payout, because it’s still in progress. You can see the status at Ads Payout Status Update

If you linked to ZebPay in December or before and you have not yet received any payment, then you would want to create a Rewards Support Ticket at so someone from Brave can try to take a look to see what your issue might be.

Don’t forget that if you sweep your balance into ZebPay, then their policy is you must do one transaction a month or they will charge you a monthly fee. The fee would often be larger than anything you earn. So you either need to withdraw the BAT right away or you will want to wait to sweep it into ZebPay so you can avoid the fee.