Could not claim estimated pending rewards earned through Ads

Briefly describe your issue:
I do not see a claim rewards button/menu in my browser. But 6 June 2021 was the payout day for me.
I have my brave connected to a verified Uphold wallet. I could neither see a reflection of my estimated pending awards there.
Now the payment date of estimated pending rewards has been deferred to 6 July 2021. Please note that this estimated pending rewards has been automatically deferred to months after months. I do not know the reason behind this.
I would be grateful if you could help me sort this out.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Linux, version 1.25.68 (latest)
Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)
What date did you verify your wallet?
19 May 2021
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?
Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
yes, Germany

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?
Not applicable

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

6 June 2021??? That’s tomorrow. And the payouts sometimes take several days, even a week or more. to process.

@rosiecar Thanks for your comment. I live in Europe. So, when I posted my question, it was already the 6th June 2021.
I checked the rewards claiming page around 1:00 AM on the 6th June 2021 when I posted. Unfortunately, I did not see a “claim button” at that time.
Later around 02:00 AM the rewards payment date automatically changed to 6th July 2021.
I attach the screenshot here. You can have a look at it.

The reason for my post was, it was exactly the case for the past few months. I am still unsure how I claim the rewards or if I can claim at all. I would also like to know why the Brave team automatically deferred it to next month when I had even no chance of claiming this month.
I am truly hoping to get some help from here.

It typically takes several days, even a week or more, for the pending rewards to be added to your Brave wallet. You should see a button with something like “Claim your reward”, which then takes you to a window where you are to drag the Brave Rewards logo to another shape (be sure to follow the instructions given!). The payout date always changes when payout starts, not when it completes, so don’t be alarmed.

@sqtupu I have received over 45 ads and still my estimated rewards are just over 1.67 BAT.
Can you explain the reason the reason for this if you are ok to answering it.

@sqtupu You cannot receive claim option for brave verified wallets. Rewards will be automatically credited to your Uphold wallet after 2 to 5 of payment date.

@Tegeek The BAT amount shown on the image is the cumulative amount aggregated over several months. So, it is not just the last month’s amount.

@shashidhar Thank you for answer. I verified my wallet just last month. So, according to your statement I will be getting the rewards directly in my Uphold wallet after a week. I am having my fingers crossed then. :slight_smile:

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