Just reporting that Brave Dev crashed a while ago.
When restarted it did not reload most of the windows that were open at the time of the crash (regular windows, not Private).
The windows appear to still be available as clickable items from the History dropdown but I don’t know why they didn’t just reload automatically like the windows that did reopen.
UPDATE . . . Some of the windows are not reloading. Others appear to have remained as items in the History dropdown after having already been selected to be reopened, leading to my reloading them twice.
ADDT’L UPDATE . . . Tabli (tab manager) confirms that all of the windows have loaded twice, even though the BRAVE Window dropdown isn’t displaying them. This is very similar to an issue I had with Chrome (though not recently). In that case all of the windows appeared consecutively ‘doubled’ in the Window dropdown menu. It seems the same is happening in BRAVE but that the Window menu in BRAVE isn’t displaying the duplication.
Version 0.62.8 Chromium: 73.0.3683.39 (Official Build) dev (64-bit)
(Also, in the ‘tags’ dropdown here (“Select at least 1 item”), the menu is displaying only “windows” “linux” “macos” – no others.)