Comcast / Xfinity Stream ERROR - Update your browser to start streaming

I cannot open Comcast / Xfinity Stream on my Brave Browser / Windows 11 Home

Description of the issue:

I cannot open Comcast / Xfinity Stream on my Brave Browser / Windows 11 Home

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave Browser (Windows 11)
  2. Click URL -

This would normally bring up an Xfinity Login Page.

Expected result:

Xfinity webpage would normally open up with a login prompt

Instead, I get an error message:

Update your browser to start streaming

View all supported operating systems -

Page URL changes to

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.71.88 Chromium: 129.0.6668.42 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

Additional Information:

Never had any prior issues logging into Xfinity on my PC, through Brave Browser.

FYI, Widevine is enabled so, that is not the cause.

I am able to login with Microsoft Edge and I assume Chrome would too.

@SkiBumPMC go to Settings → Shields → Content Filtering and on the Create custom filters portion put and it will fix it for now. Eventually @fanboynz or others will update the filters so doesn’t need to be manually input.

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@Saoiray - Thanks… Unfortunately, that did not work.

I noticed another custom filter is also present:


I did not add that custom filter and have no idea what that is.

Here is what I entered:

Custom Filters

After adding the custom filter, I still get the same Comcast / Xfinity error.

Also, these are the filter lists that are enabled in Brave:

Filter list

Brave Experimental Adblock Rules is also checked in the filter list.

I’ve had the same problem since yesterday and this doesn’t work for me either.

I’ve had the same problem since yesterday. Xfinity works fine with Chrome.

I am also having this same issue

Yes I have the same issue.

Let’s be clear everyone. @fostermd70 @willjay @Hooeygoo @SkiBumPMC
When visiting the link, it shows like OP mentioned:

But then when going to brave://settings/shields/filters and typing in under Custom Filers:


So all of you should be able to do the same. I’m not sure if you’re deviating or what?

Also, for what it’s worth. I do also have settings as mentioned at Helpful Info & FAQ for Brave Users - #28 by Saoiray

@SkiBumPMC Typically, you don’t need EasyListCookie or Fanboy’s Mobile Notifications. You should have Fanboy's Annoyances + uBO Annoyances enabled, though—I hope they’ll make that a default eventually.

Even if I disable that filter, it works. But having seems absolutely necessary.

Not sure if fanboynz has had a chance to follow up yet—maybe they’re busy with other issues like YouTube changes. I’ll tag @steeven and @Mattches to get their attention and hopefully get this resolved for everyone.

This does not work for everyone and I can’t figure out why. This is killing me because I refuse to install another browser just to stream. I’ve tried adding this, even tried different varitions including extra pound signs www. /stream, nothing works!!! I even downgraded to the previous stable version and that didnt help. I also just enabled that extra filter group with no luck. Also just changed the only 2 settings agressive and strict from the helpful Info to no avail.

@Speedlife808 are you using any extensions? If so, do a favor and test in private window or a guest profile. Other thing, though it didn’t make a difference on my end, do you have Widevine enabled from Settings → Extensions?

In the meanwhile, I’ve tagged in people from Brave and we just kind of have to wait for them to reply back on what they are seeing.


In preparation for that question lol I just disabled everything and tried again with no success. Cleared my cookies for the site too. I’m trying everything I can think of. Widevine is enabled as well.

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I will say this you are the man with the WIN! I don’t know what it is about my profile, but if they were to use a guest profile I would say they too would have success. What it is about our current profiles is another matter of discussion, but for the interim you have brought xfinity back into my life lol

Edit: Also works creating a new profile which confirms its definitely something within my current profile.

Glad it worked for you @Speedlife808…Unfortunately, it did not work for me.

HOWEVER, I just figured out WHY.

In troubleshooting and using @Saoiray 's (brave-fix), I had disabled my AdBlocker and disabled my Shield for xfinity.

After re-enabling the Shields in Brave, xfinity now loads, as it should.

Thanks for your help @Saoiray


Ok I had always kept shields down so I’m guessing the entry wasn’t being used. Once I re-enabled Shields on it works again. Strange as it seems with Shields down that it wouldn’t be needed but it works and keeps me from using another browser. Thanks for the help.

@fostermd70 nah, it’s a Shields script to make things work. Basically what is happening is Xfinity is intentionally trying to block Brave from working on their site. The ##+js(brave-fix) part basically bypasses their script trying to block the browser.

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This also worked for me – turned the shields back on and then it worked.

Yup. Another brilliant one to the rescue saving my default profile. Don’t remember turning those off on Xfinity, but that fixed it.

Landing a fix into sheilds so “brave-fix” addition won’t be needed

  • Ensure Shields is UP, Ad& Trackers is standard/aggressive
  • Update Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.8057 (or better) in brave://components
  • Then refresh the xfinity page

This doesn’t seem to work.