Is there a way to get the Brave browser to close a group of tabs whenever there’s one single tab open in Android? As in, leave it out of a group?
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Can you elaborate a bit on what the exact behavior you’re expecting here is?
So I am sometimes browsing a particular website and open a few tabs in the same group. After a while, I’ll end up reading the new tabs and close them, leaving the main remaining tab open. I’d expect that group to close up and disappear, while I can keep the main tab open to continue reading in the following days. Currently what happens is that the group remain active with a single tab, making it necessary for me to click twice whenever I want to return to this tab from another one.
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It does, thank you for clarifying. I think that this is the expected behavior inherited from Chromium. That said, we do have other users with this same complaint:
opened 02:31AM - 24 Sep 24 UTC
### Description
Not sure if its a bug or just a design decision but i often ope… n a bunch of tabs in group, browse them and then close them from the bar at the bottom, and i often end up with tons of tab groups with only a single tab in them, so wouldn't it make more sense to have brave automatically remove the group when there's only one tab left?
### Steps to reproduce
1. Open a page
2. Open any link in new tab in group
3. Close one of the tabs in either the bottom bar or the tab window
### Actual result
Group stays active even with only one tab left
### Expected result
For brave to close the group when there's only one tab left and have that tab separately like other non grouped tabs
### Reproduces how often
Easily reproduced
### Brave version
Brave 1.70.117, Chromium 129.0.6668.59
### Device
- Brand/model: Samsung Galaxy A52s
- Android version: Android 14
### Channel information
- [X] release (stable)
- [ ] beta
- [ ] nightly
### Reproducibility
- [X] with Brave Shields disabled
- [X] with Brave Rewards disabled
- [X] in the latest version of Chrome
### Miscellaneous information
_No response_
I’ve also recently tried to resurface an old feature request that would allow users more options with respect to tab layouts in general:
opened 06:17PM - 27 Apr 21 UTC
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## Description
Every few updates or so, Chromium pushes some change to the tab layout on Android and Brave subsequently receives the same change, regardless of whether we want it or not. This can be confusing and frustrating for users who update the browser to find their UI completely altered and no way to revert to the old layout or choose the layout they want.
A workaround we've been using is to suggest users adjust the tab layout via flags but this is not an ideal solution:
1. Flags enabled can be overridden by the changes implemented in Chromium.
2. If a flag is _removed_ in Chromium, some users have been put into a state where they had a flag enabled but then no way to turn that flag "off" (or change it's value) as it doesn't appear on the flags page any more.
3. Chromium flags -- especially ones of this nature -- have a ton of different values and it's not always clear what each of them do, or you're using the correct/ideal option.
We now have the `Tab groups` setting -- which helps a little but does not fully address the issue. Enabling tab groups auto-selects "grid" layout which is fine, but it is not clear that it's going to do his and, further, doesn't address the underlying issue of the default layout changed during an update.
I suggest we surface these tab layout settings and offer users the option of choosing from the three most common layout types (_note that images 2/3 were taken from online and from Chrome_):
1. Tab grid layout (image left) -- this is the current _new_ default layout after updating to v1.23x
2. Tab "card" layout (image right)
3. Tab "list" layout (image bottom)

If you (or anyone reading this) have a Github account, please feel free to voice your desire for such a feature in the comments of the issue so our developers can see the demand for it.
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December 15, 2024, 8:57pm
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