Hi, I was experiencing a similar issue. It’s just hangs without clearing the history and the cancel button does not work. Seems a bit random when it happens. I’ve removed my 2 extensions, unspoiler and presearch, and now it works fine. Thank you
Thank you everyone for reporting.
My suspicion is that when the history tab is open, its open in its own tab and, further, its own process (just like all tabs). When you clear the browser history, the dialogue may have a conflict dismissing itself while both processes are open.
I’ve reached out to some team members but I’ll likely end up filing and issue for it for the devs to review.
@Mattches@sffcloud and others.
It seems this topic is also running in a thread which was posted after this one?
with my Brave, on my set up,
when I have gone this route, and then exited Brave, thereafter the browser WILL NOT come up again. My Lion glows, then stops glowing and Brave will not come up.
I have to restart the desktop in order for Brave to be responsive again.
So I have absolutely ceased and desisted from using this route to deal with cleaning.
Ref :
PS: I think the hanging also happened with me too, but I sort of didn’t log that it was happening at the time, because my focus was only on basic navigation in the first place.
Apologies, I didn’t pick up this message to me before now.
It was, I think, at the time when I noticed it,
I have also had that when I exit Brave using the white ‘x’ in the red block in the left hand, top corner, Brave wouldn’t come up again.
So now when I exit, I use ‘exit’ in the ‘hamburger’ and that seems to mean that I can bring up Brave again without having to restart the desktop. [Win7]
I use the browser in a very basic way - I think the terminology would be that I don’t have any ‘extensions’ - I’m very manual with passwords, I don’t get ‘ad-ons’ from ‘chrome’, [beginner in these matters] so I think I’m less prone to ‘bugs’ but my Brave does appear to be a bit 'tetchy. I’ll try and watch vigilantly again to make specific notes.