for a particular website, i set zoom currently to be 250%, but it isn’t looking perfectly the way i wanted to be, i want to increase it to 275% to get the best experience, the current behavior of jumping 250% to 300% is not cool as the zoom value 300% is breaking immersion
i like to set most of the webpages to 175% but if i set it here, it also increases the extensions size. If you use custom zoom values for different websites and dont want to lose it, create a new profile and try using this setting and check the shields ui once you set a value like 200%…
i think these two options must be separated. page zoom should be separate and add a new options like “Extensions Zoom” so for people with bigger screen and smaller display scaling settings to see high number of details at once, this will be helpful.
i think for me, introducing a new feature called “Extensions Zoom” in appearance setting and setting the zoom value of 115% will improve the current situation…
Brave should take a break from brave wallet and focus on improving ui and fixing bugs like this.