Brave randomly zooms in on webpages

Browser tabs randomly zooms in and only way to solve it is to open a new tab and go to the same url. This happens almost everyday. I have not found any way to reproduce this issue and it just happens even if i don’t touch either the keyboard or the mouse. (magic mouse).
So i dont know how to reproduce it but the entire page just max zooms. and no way to unzoom to normal mode. cmd-/+ dont help.
(do not have the same issue with chrome.)

Expected result:
Dont randomly zoom in on pages.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.40.105 Chromium: 103.0.5060.53 (Official Build) (arm64)


Make a test to see if issue persists:

  1. In a new Private window
  2. In a new profile (name the new profile “TEST” then delete it when you’ve finished testing)

Does the issue persist?

ill let you know. Thx

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