I frequently have to deal with RSA style Public Keys which are ASCII files with the .pub extension. The default application to open a .pub file is Microsoft Publisher, which I don’t use, but is installed on my company PC. I have changed the file association in my PC to open .pub files with a text editor rather than Publisher.
When I click on a .pub file in Brave, it wants to open Publisher.
Is there setting in Brave, or perhaps a Windows Registry setting to change the default behavior?
// String which specifies where to save html files to by default.
const char kSaveFileDefaultDirectory = “savefile.default_directory”;
// The type used to save the page. See the enum SavePackage::SavePackageType in
// the chrome/browser/download/save_package.h for the possible values.
const char kSaveFileType = “savefile.type”;
// String which specifies the last directory that was chosen for uploading
// or opening a file.
const char kSelectFileLastDirectory = “selectfile.last_directory”;
// Boolean that specifies if file selection dialogs are shown.
const char kAllowFileSelectionDialogs = “select_file_dialogs.allowed”;
// Map of default tasks, associated by MIME type.
const char kDefaultTasksByMimeType = “filebrowser.tasks.default_by_mime_type”;
// Map of default tasks, associated by file suffix.
const char kDefaultTasksBySuffix = “filebrowser.tasks.default_by_suffix”;
// A flag to enable/disable the Shared Clipboard feature which enables users to
// send text across devices.
const char kSharedClipboardEnabled = “browser.shared_clipboard_enabled”;
So I am guessing, that Chromium MIME type file association handling potential exists and could be a Brave Browser Feature . . . some day.
Also found - technical info re “xdg-utils”, “xdg-open”, “xdg-mime”: