Can't Install, Waiting to Download, Hangs!

Just heard about Brave and am trying to install on Windows 10 laptop, 32 bit. First tried BraveBrowserSetup32.exe (1.3 mb) and it sat on Waiting to Download for 30 to 45 min. Bar doesn’t fill at all. WiFi light is flashing constantly averaging 3 to 4 Mbps. I have metered WiFi so cut it off figuring it could sit all night and chew up who knows how much bandwidth. Then I found BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe (68+ mb) and tried it. Same experience. I can find no info on how long the install should take or if it’s normal for the bar to not fill at all. ???

Hi @htfiddler thanks for joining Community!

Our downloads are functioning as intended – are you able to download other apps properly over your connection? Are you using a VPN , etc.?

I had no problem downloading the .exe installer. I need answers to the following:

  1. Is it normal for the Waiting to Download dialog to appear on screen for a very long time without the bar filling at all? In other words it appears to be hanging.
  2. If yes, what is a typical amount of time on say a 4 Mbps connection?
    I download and install software all the time and never have a hang like this. I don’t know what a VPN is. I just have a regular connection to the Internet over the hotspot in my phone. I download files and watch videos all the time with no problem.

You could try a standalone installer from the github release channel . Here are direct links to the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows installers:32-bit: 64-bit:

Thanks for the reply hnktong. In my orig post I stated I had tried the stand alone installer with same long “Waiting to Download” hang. I am still hoping someone can answer my 2 previous q’s. Once again:

  1. Is it normal for the Waiting to Download dialog to appear on screen for a very long time without the bar filling at all? In other words it appears to be hanging.
  2. If yes, what is a typical amount of time on say a 4 Mbps connection?

You said you had the same experience using BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe, which simply should not be the case since the standalone installer isn’t supposed to download anything, which is why I kind of blew the statement off. The standalone installer is supposed to have everything it needs, which is why it’s so much larger, so you shouldn’t even see the installer tell you to wait for a download. I’d suggest downloading the standalone again and be certain that’s the one you’re launching; because the names are so similar, it’s easy to mistake one for the other (I know I’ve done it many times).

If it still tries to download stuff, then maybe try the Beta, Dev, or Nightly standalone from the associated release channels:

FWIW, I’ve been using Nightly without any significant issues for months.

ok I will download the standalone again and give it a try. I am 99% sure I used that one. It was ~68 mb. And I am still hoping someone will answer my q’s …

  1. Is it normal for the Waiting to Download dialog to appear on screen for a very long time without the bar filling at all? In other words it appears to be hanging.
  2. If yes, what is a typical amount of time on say a 4 Mbps connection?
    and/or put another way …
  3. What is the outside max time a normal install (from either .exe) will take from launching the .exe until the installation completes? No point in waiting 30 min. if a normal install takes 4 min. !!!

Oh, sorry, I’m just a community member, but I’m fairly confident in answering (@asad or @Mattches, can you confirm?) :

  1. No.
  2. 4Mbps/8 = 0.5MBps, so assuming the download’s about 70MB, then an ideal download would last 140s or a bit over 2 minutes. Even if you get 50% of your download speed and the download’s three times as big, you still should get it down in under 15 minutes.
  3. Though it depends on your system’s specs, I can’t imagine that it should take more than another 5 minutes beyond the download to complete installation. 30 minutes seems way too long to me.

@hnktong is correct on all points :slight_smile:

@htfiddler let us know if you had success using the standalone installer!

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Problem solved! I tried a different Wifi connection and it just worked! I used the small 1 mb installer (not the 68 mb stand alone). Waiting to Download just flashed for a second at most and then the download started and within 5 min. it was installed, up and running! I have no idea what the problem was. If anyone else runs into this issue, try a different Wifi or wired connection. Thanks for all the info. :slight_smile:


I managed to download. But the installation does not happen. Tried 3 times … but useless.

I also encountered this issue…
I already download the brave.exe but cant connect to the internet…
I have fiber internet with 50mbps here… It says allow brave exe in whitelist, but i already disabled my windows defender and firewall…

I have given up … I have experience of using 21 browsers for a project for the last 1-2 years and I have never ever encountered this problem on any of them … even the most perfunct of them. So I guess the “Brave” is not for me … I have no time to waste.

Wow … that’s funny. I just waited a few days, switched to different wifi and the download and install worked and Brave was working great, browsing websites!

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