Can't connect to any website using Brave

For efficiency reasons I’ll post first in english, then in french, cause that’s my native and main language. So if you have someone in your team able to help me in french I’ll be delighted.

So, the problem is exactly what the title says. I’m using a pc running windows 10. I downloaded Brave maybe 2 monthes ago and started to use it for tests, streams on twitch, chat on a chat site, watching videos on youtube. Average stuff.

I had no problem and even started to add favorites, but since two days I suddently can’t use brave anymore. When I opened it again it shown all the pages I was before turning my computer off, but wasn’t able to load them. I had this little thing when I click on it says my connection to the site isn’t securited. It’s google translate, it is securited, I can’t even load google, nor youtube. I tried to shut Brave and open again. Not working. Tried to kill all the windows and research their adress. Not working. Tried to turn off the pc again in case it was caused by an update I didn’t already do. Not working. Tried to “free” Brave from my firewall, but it wasn’t stopped by said firewall (norton).

I don’t know wich details I could add, I’m really not talented with informatic, but the only solution I’ve in mind right now includes candles, blood, and the hope of a miracle or a demon summoning to repair Brave on my pc :<

French version :

Le problème que je rencontre est exactement ce que dit le titre. L’ordinateur que j’utilise est un pc, pas un mac quoi, qui tourne avec windows 10. J’ai téléchargé Brave il y a environ deux mois je crois, en toute franchise je n’ai absolument pas idée si c’est plus ou moins. J’utilisais alors Brave pour me faire une idée du confort qu’il propose dans la navigation en regardant des streams sur twitch, des vidéos sur youtube, en allant sur un site de chat en ligne, et en faisant des recherches déjà réalisées sur chrome juste histoire de noter des différences. Rien de bien particulier donc.

Je n’avais alors aucun soucis et j’ai commencé à utiliser Brave plus naturellement, j’ai même ajouté quelques favoris. Mais depuis deux jours il m’est impossible d’utiliser Brave. J’éteins souvent mon pc sans fermer les pages ouvertes, et donc quand je relance l’ordinateur et que, une fois sur ma session, je relance Brave, il rouvre toutes les pages où je me trouvais. Cette fois ci il l’a bien fait, mais il ne parvenait à charger aucune de ces pages. À la place se trouve ce petit logo et cliquer sur le logo me dit que ma connexion à la page n’est pas sécurisée. Il s’agit de google traduction, évidemment que la connexion est sécurisée, et il ne va de même avec la page google de base et youtube.
J’ai tenté de fermer brave en cliquant directement sur la grosse croix rouge et de le rouvrir, ça n’a rien changé. J’ai tenté de fermer toutes les fenêtres et de les rouvrir en tapant l’adresse dans la barre de recherche, ça n’a rien changé. J’ai tenté d’éteindre mon ordinateur et de le rallumer en supposant qu’il s’agissait d’un problème venant de ma version de windows, probablement une mise à jour manquante ou un driver nécessitant une petite révision, ça n’a rien changé. J’ai tenté de “libérer” Brave de mon antivirus, qui est Norton, mais Norton ne bloquait pas Brave, il était déjà marqué que je l’ai autorisé.

Je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais ajouter en détails dans cette affaire. Je ne suis pas un familier des problèmes informatiques, du moins pas du côté de leur résolution. La seule solution qui me vient à l’esprit désormais inclue des bougies, du sang, et l’espoir d’un miracle ou d’une invocation démoniaque pour réparer Brave sur mon pc. :<

Hello @Disco

did you tried other browser ? does it work

if the answer is no then check your clock maybe it not set probably

It works. I kept using google chrome and Brave together. Now I only use chrome cause of said problem. But all the adresses work on chrome.

does make the shield off help?

does using the private mode help?

Just tried both. Doesn’t make any change.

what about creating new profile?

I can try, but does it mean I’ll lose everything saved on the other one ? That’s the only reason I didn’t already try.

the old profile will be there and you can go back to it whenever you like i just want to see if there issue in your current profile or not profile

Doesn’t make any change.

then go back to your old profile
and i will ask someone from the team @Mattches to help you

hope this fix your issue and have a nice day

Thank you for your help. Have a nice day too. :slight_smile:

you welcome and thanks :slight_smile:

More informations : I tried to uninstall Brave, to then re-install it. My pc can’t even uninstall Brave.
Any idea why ?

not sure why

but are you sure that your account on your device is administrator

and before uninstall could you try to disable and turn off your norton firewall to make sure it does not block brave

have a nice day

My account is the only one on said device. So yep it is administrator. I already tried to turn off Norton it didn’t change anything.

then wait till tomorrow till the team back from their weekend and hope your issue get fixed soon and have a nice day

Thanks for your help, wish you a nice day too. :slight_smile:

you welcome and thanks :slight_smile:


Would you mind downloading our Beta build and see if you get the same results? Note that downloading/installing/running the Beta will not interfere with any data from your current installation. They will run in parallel.

Ok, so. It now works, but saddly I didn’t use your suggestion. There’s a reason why.

Brave was wrecking my pc. It opened when I didn’t ask him to open, and it was impossible to close. I tried to kill it with the closing cross, then I tried to shut him down, but it wasn’t working at all. My pc was slow when it happened. I tried to uninstall Brave. At first it looked like I succeeded, but no. I wasn’t able to find brave in my programs, but it was still here when I opened the runing programs. Impossible to kill it. After a few reboots my computer finally decided to tell me he had some stuff to download.

I don’t know what happened with windows, but windows suddently asked me about an update. It took hours, when it finally ended my wallpaper was gone, same for Brave. I tried to find him, it was gone, finally.

I just re-downloaded Brave today and it works perfectly. It appears that windows was probably the real problem and totally messed up with Brave because of some updates.
Many thanks to all of you for your help, you were all quick and patient, I’ll keep using Brave as I like it and know I can count on such a great team. :slight_smile: