7 days ago I posted about my problem of claiming rewards, I also sent a DM as instructed about the problem. I have yet to receive a reply to either. I see plenty of of people also having issues claiming rewards. My questions are, are any of you getting any support? Has anyone gotten any communication at all regarding your problem?
The claiming rewards issue is one thing. Totally being ignored may be worse. This makes one wonder is this poor customer service? Is this just a total lacking in basic communication skills? Is this a understaffing in customer service or the dev team? Should we just go back to chrome or where ever for 6 months and see if the issues are dealt with in time?
There is no support available for brave users from Brave Browser
Hello I have and many users have a problem with BAT rewards and payment towards Uphold. But I got a mail and also on plenty in others posts ,there is a message from @Steeven that the fix is now being tested in the Nightly channel .After they worked out the kinks then they move them into the Beta build for a final check before merging them into the Release version of Brave. so that is the status off the problem ,
Maybe this answers your question
If you actually look at the reports you’re referring to, you will see that we respond to almost all of them. Further, the issue you’re encountering is very likely the one @Menno is referring to, which was just fixed in Nightly and currently in testing.
Hi @Ericowen, I’m not seeing a DM from you, so have just sent you one. Thanks.
Why is your team moving code into production that isn’t unit tested and breaks the most critical aspect of brave token economy? If I invest in Brave then my worry is that the actual users who pay rewards literally can’t do it and creators miss out on critical payments. Not a good look.
Excuse me @steeven , but regarding the problem of many users who did not receive their payment of contributions (Including me), is a prompt solution being worked on? I would like to know, to continue being patient with a solution, I appreciate your work and your prompt response
@steeven i also didn’t received my tokens this month
already sent you some emails
The team is currently investigating the issue, thank you for your patience!