Cannot send USDC from Brave wallet

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue: All I have in Brave wallet is $20 USDC. I want to sent it elsewhere. When I go to the Send dialog and select my USDC and enter 20 ( or “max”), the box below “enter recipient address” is grayed out, so I cannot proceed further. I know I will need to transfer in some ETH to pay for the USDC transaction, but I want to get a little further in this transaction in order for Brave wallet to tell me how much ETH I will need to transfer in. (And I know to save $$ by doing the final transfer on off hours). Thx.

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? ethernet

What operating system are you using? Windows 10

Brave Version (check About Brave): 1.65.114

Additional Information:

@Pocahontas I think you might be getting yourself tricked due to design. You’re seeing something like below, right? (only my screenshot is of SOL)

I was seeing it grayed out and was wondering if I needed to do something. Then I went down and clicked on To but it didn’t do anything. It was weird, with me thinking I was seeing that address couldn’t be put in. But then as I randomly clicked, realized needed to click in the Enter recipient address area. Once that was done, I could type in whatever

But since I kind of fell for it, expecting colors to change or that the text entry box was going to be in a different spot, I just wanted to share and see if you did the same thing or if you really are having an issue. I’m hoping it’s just this simple mistake and not a bigger issue.

Ah, your suggestion to click on the “enter recipient address” did work. Many thanks. It allowed me to check gas fee - - insane, I will wait till late tonight!

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