Cannot open pdf at Evernote on Linux. Only have option to download

Description of the issue:
When attempting to open pdf at Evernote website, I only have option to save pdf. Cannot open pdf in browser directly.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave Browser
  2. Login to Evernote Website
  3. Double-click on pdf attached to note.

Expected result:
Besides having the option to save the pdf, also have the option to open in Brave.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Tested this on both the latest release (1.21.77) and beta(1.22.58)
Additional Information:
-Running brave on Pop!_OS fully updated.
-Made sure that the Brave setting: ā€œDownload PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Braveā€ was off, which was the default setting.
-Reset the settings in the latest release Browser (1.21.77) but this did not fix the problem. The beta version was tested at default settings after installation.
-I can open pdf as expected in other websites in the Brave browser.
-I can open the pdf as expected in the Evernote website using the Firefox browser.
-Tested on latest version of evernote website and older version.

Thanks for reaching out to us.
On my end, Iā€™m able to view PDF files attached to Evernote notes without any issue in-browser:

Can I ask if you have any other extensions installed in the browser at this time? Additionally, for me, the PDF simply ā€œappearedā€ in the note after adding the attachment. I didnā€™t even have to double-click on it or anything. Would it be possible to see a short recording of the behavior as it appears on your end so I can get a full picture of what might be going on?

I tested it with no extensions installed.

I can get it to appear like you mentioned. I was trying to go a step further and open it in a viewer external to Evernote.

Here is a link to a video with the brave browser on the left side of the screen and Chrome on the right side. Chrome will successfully open the pdf in a viewer, while Brave will only open the Save as window.

Linux has an ā€˜Open Withā€™ setting that can be set for document types. Chrome will open with the viewer that is set (Document Viewer or Chrome), while Brave always opens the Save as window. When testing Brave, I set the viewer to either Document Viewer or Brave.

Unfortunately I cannot download the file you linked for security reasons. Is there any way you can maybe upload it to a site like imgur and re-send it?

Here is a link to the video on imgur

Thank you for that and apologies for the hassle.
So Iā€™m testing in Chrome and Iā€™m seeing the same behavior I am in Brave ā€“ or at least Iā€™m seeing different behavior than what youā€™re showing in the video. Are you double-clicking on the title of the PDF to open and/or download the PDF?

On my end, if I double click on the title in Brave or in Chrome, Iā€™m offered to download the file. I assume you have your PDF content setting set the same as I do as well right?

I had to do a complete reinstall of the operating system (for other reasons) and everything is working now as expected, so this was probably some sort of user error on my part. Double-clicking on the title of the pdf now opens the pdf in the external viewer.

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Strange that that would be the case, but Iā€™m happy the issue resolved itself regardless. Appreciate your patience while troubleshooting ā€“ donā€™t hesitate to reach out if you have any further issues or concerns.