PDF opening in the wrong application

I made a setting earlier to open the PDF files in the PDF viewer application but now couldn’t find how to revert that and open pdfs in the brave browser instead. Please help me.

Brave version
Version 1.37.116 Chromium: 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Hello @tbhaxor

go to brave://settings/content/pdfDocuments and choose Open PDFs in Brave

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Not working, this option was already selected. Also when I deleted the default pdf viewer in the system, it didn’t work out


right click on the pdf file then choose properties then go to open with tab then select brave and choose set as default
now it will always open the pdf on chrome

if you do not have this then what is your linux distro ?

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