Some exploring and study; in a Brave Browser New Window, go to:
Using Developer Tools
The Developer Tools window is associated with the current Brave Browser window, and NOT associated with other Brave Browser windows.
Opening the Developer Tools window
- MacOS users, key combination: Command + Option + “I” (no quotes)
- Windows OS users: key combination: Control + Shift + “I” (no quotes)
On the first occasion of using Developer Tools, the Developer Tools “window” is usually a part of (contained within) its associated Brave Browser window . . . but you can make the Developer Tools window, a standalone window (though keeping its association with the Brave Browser window). I recommend that you do so:
In the upper right-hand corner of the Developer Tools window, there is an “Organizer” 3-vertical-dots button - click on that. The result should be a pop-up:
Notice the tiny blue icon that is first (left to right) among 4. Click on that icon. The Developer Tools window will become a standalone window.
How to use Developer Tools:
Developer Tools > Network:
Now, reload the webpage.
In the Developer Tools window, select the Application tab. And over to the left, in the Storage pane, select Cookies.
There are 2, sometimes 3, sources of cookies:
You may right-click each of those and then click the “Clear” button.
Next, back to the Brave Browser webpage window for the website.
In the URL address field, immediately to the left of the “https:// . . .”, there is a small padlock icon. Click on that small padlock icon.
In the resulting pop-down window, scroll down and select “Cookies”.
The top list of sources for cookis, in my BB window, shows:
In that list of “Cookies in use”, you may choose to Allow, or Block, or Remove sources of cookies.
IF you toggle the tiny, right-arrow for a cookie source, the cookie classifications are revealed.
IF you toggle the tiny, right-arrow for the cookie classification, “Cookies”, the specific names of the cookies are revealed.
For starters, I suggest that you simply Block or Remove the top level sources - example:
You may look over the webpage, and probably not see a new cookie show up in your BB cookie storage; BUT, merely hovering a mouse arrow tip over some piece of the webpage, might cause the server to issue another new cookie.
So, if you are serious about NOT having some cookie from a website, you can Block the source.
You may also, in a Brave Browser New Window, go to:
Scroll down that settings page, to Sites that can never use cookies
Click the Add button
Enter [*.]
as the site . . . but do not Enable (if that is your wish), the following:
- Current Private session only
- Including third-party cookies on this site
Click the Add button
I suggest testing:
- in a Brave Browser New Window
- in a Brave Browser New Private Window