Brave keeps deleting cookies when closing browser

Description of the issue:

Brave keeps deleting all my cookies when I close the browser. I have the option for this checked off, but Brave keeps doing it.

I tried adding my most used websites to the exemption list, but Brave keeps on deleting the cookies when I close the browser. Though it doesn’t clear the exemption list with websites that I added there, but I does delete the cookies.

I want to keep the cookies, not be deleted.

Expected result:

No longer deleted cookies.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Versie 1.29.79 Chromium: 93.0.4577.63 (Officiële build) (64-bits)

Additional Information:

There are 2 options that could affect this behavior. Make sure both options are disabled.

  1. brave://settings/cookiesClear cookies and site data when you close all windows.
  2. brave://settings/clearBrowserDataOn exitCookies and other site data.

Point 2 solved my problem.
How foolish of me in hindsight to not have noticed this.
It has been bothering me for quite a while now.

Thank you so much.