Cannot add or move items to Bookmark toolbar folders

Oops, crap, I think I erased my post somehow. Here it is again

I cannot drag a URL and icon from the address bar to an existing Bookmark toolbar folder. I cannot drag an item in one folder to another folder. I cannot move an existing folder into another folder. When I try any of these actions the browser freezes for a varying amount of time. Usually 30 seconds or less.

I cannot rearrange items inside an existing folder. When I try the dropdown window closes and when I reopen it the item has not moved.

If I create a new folder I can then drag a URL and icon from the address bar to the new folder. I can also drag an item from an existing folder to the new one. I can move an existing folder inside the new folder. I still cannot rearrange the items in the new folder once they are there.

When I restart Brave I can no longer add items to the new folder and it adopts the behavior of all the other existing folders.

I can save an address to a folder using the Bookmark this tab function but once there I cannot move it.

If I go to rename a folder a window pops up but instead of the existing folder name there is a blue line or just a blank text input area. When I type a new name I cannot see the letters being typed but the folder gets renamed.

This happens in both a regular and private window. I have two of these computers sync’d but this also happens on another laptop not part of the sync. Everything worked at one time and there were no changes to any of those computers. It may have started after the latest Brave update but since they happen silently I cannot be sure. It has been within the last couple weeks. It seems to happen when trying to do a mouse move action.

Mac OS Sierra, High Sierra and Big Sur. It happens on both the intel and M1 chip laptop. Version 1.36.109 Chromium: 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (x86_64)

I started up an old laptop and that version of Brave is not having this problem. (Version 1.35.103). I then restarted the WiFi and it upgraded to version 1.36.111 and it now having this issue with an even newer version.

Edit: I disabled all my extensions and the problem still exists.

Can you confirm that this is all happening with bookmark items that are contained on the bookmarks bar (as opposed to the Bookmarks manager), as other users are reporting here?

Yes items on the bookmark bar are unable to be moved into folders. I can save to the bookmark bar from the address bar.

I just moved the Brave setup folder From Application Support to my desktop and started Brave which came up as a new install. I created a couple folders and it is still happening.

Just downgraded to version 1.35.103 and everything is working fine again. How do I keep it from automatically upgrading to the latest version until this is worked out?

We’ve opened the following issue — this appears to happen on Chrome as well:

I would not recommend using an outdated version of the browser as important security fixes are implemented when the browser is updated.

Same here bookmark cannot move. Hope will get an update fix.

Edit: Never mind below. Brave version 1.36.117 just released for macOS. This should fix the problem (hopefully). Just left the information below for reference. Maybe a moderator will post a confirmation.

Ugh, posting this but hope it doesn’t cause any problems. They had a Brave version release for Windows/Linux today. Per the Release Notes, they also upgraded Chromium:

Recent Chromium Comments relating to the Brave GitHub issue. I do not know why macOS was not upgraded in the current Brave version and do not know the expected release date. I do wonder if this is already released in Brave Beta.

I am not tech savvy and so I usually wait for official releases to upgrade anything. You may be more tech savvy, or not be as cautious, and may want to go ahead and upgrade Chromium now and see if it fixes the problem (I don’t know if it would), or even install the Beta to see if it is fixed there.

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