Cannot access avast forum

I’m using Version 1.60.118 Chromium: 119.0.6045.163 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I’m not able to login to avast forum:

The login window doesn’t show, and I’m not even able to open any other pages on that forum.
What’s wrong?
Please let me know how to fix it.

Thank you for reaching out.
I’m not having any issues on my end visiting Avast or seeing the login boxes (note that I don’t have an account so I didn’t try actually logging in). Does the site display properly if you turn Shields off (lion icon in the address bar)?

i just checked it for you and it seems like working, even on older version of brave

  1. Try disabling vpn or extensions
  2. Test the site in new brave profile.

It works OK now. Maybe the avast website was faulty and they fixed it.
Thanks for your help anyway.

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