Description of the issue:
Can’t loginto using Brave - username and password rejected as incorrect
Exact URL of the website in question:
Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no)
Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?
Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no):
Don’t know
Does the site work as expected when using Chrome?
Brave version (check About Brave
Version 1.19.86 Chromium: 88.0.4324.96 (Official Build) (64-bit)
My guess is that you might have to allow cookies for the site. Simply open your Shields panel while on, change the cookie setting to Allow all cookies
(note that changes made in the shields panel apply only to the site you’re currently visiting). Let the page refresh, then try logging in again.
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