By mistake I click on claim my reword but my wallet are not verified yet!

by mistake I click on claim my reword but my wallet are not verified yet!
now it is showing Your Balance is update.
will my tokens will be credit when I connect my wallet.

Yes they will! No worries. All payouts for Unverified Rewards wallets are deposited into Your Balance on the Rewards panel. You can stay unverified for as long as you like. Once you are verified with a custodial provider (Gemini or Uphold) Your Balance will be transferred to your custodial account.

Your unverified Rewards and other Brave data can be lost if Brave or your OS crash though. You should back up your Brave-Browser folder periodically, preferably to an external device, in case Brave and/or your OS crash and your data is lost or corrupted. If something happens, you can restore your Brave-Browser folder and hopefully recover your Rewards/data. This is not a guarantee but it is your best bet for data recovery if something happens.

Copying information from another community member about backups that may help.

can i create bats backup? - #4 by CerealLover
Note: Back up the entire Brave-Browser folder and not just the User Data folder.

Hope this helps! Take care. :smiley:

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