Everytime i recieve a phonecall/facetime on my mac (via my iphone), videos will start playing in browser. For example, I have a udacity course tab open (youtube video embedded on the page), and I’ll recieve a call. As soon as my computer rings, the youtube video will begin to autoplay.
Steps to Reproduce
Recieve call on iPhone
Call is picked up by Mac
Video on brave browswer unpauses and begins to play
Expected result:
Video should not unpause and begin to play. Video should remain paused/not played
Brave Version
Version 0.63.55 Chromium: 74.0.3729.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)
That is a very strange bug! Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Out of curiosity, do you have autoplay set to Blocked on mobile and/or Desktop?
I am getting this very same behavior as well on a Mac and Version 0.64.76 Chromium: 74.0.3729.157 (Official Build) (64-bit). Also having same issue in Chrome but not with Safari after some testing.
Wondering if this is a Chromium related issue perhaps?
This is a Chromium issue imho not specific to Brave. I’ve been having the same problem for at least a few weeks now. I’ve noticed this also on my iPad when a browser window has a video specifically YouTube in a tab it will autoplay. It may also do this to other pages with video just in my case I’ve only had YouTube videos in tabs.
macOS Mojave v10.14.4
Chrome: Version 74.0.3729.169 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Brave: Version 0.64.76 Chromium: 74.0.3729.157 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Super annoying and no fix yet I just finally got annoyed enough to look for a solution today. If I find one I’ll write back.
Unfortunately my attempt to implement @conzone solution did not work for me I really haven’t invested much time in troubleshooting I will dig a little deeper as time allows.
@ejm201 Darn. Sorry guys it seems to have also been a fluke on my machine that I thought it worked earlier for me. I went back and retested both browsers going back to original settings and then with my suggested changed I tested earlier and I continued to have the same autoplay issue.