since maybe 24h Brave on my windows laptop has issues. Any time a window is closed (not a tab) - might be a seperate Brave instance or e.g. a Metamask popup window, all the Brave instances I have running shut down. This means e.g. when I do an operation via the Metamask plug-in which involves a Metamask popup appearing and then disappearing, when the popup disappears, Brave shuts down completely on the laptop.
The shutdown happens every time in spite of restarting the laptop, relaunching Brave, switching off hardware acceleration etc. When the browser shuts down and I relaunch it I get the “Brave did not shut down correctly, press “Restore” to restore the pages” pop-up, which restores all the tabs and instances I had open. Only when I switched off the laptop, I did not get this popup on launching Brave, which meant I lost all the tabs I had open.
The result I would expect is that only the window / instance I close is closed, not all the instances.
Brave version I am running: Version 1.26.77 Chromium: 91.0.4472.164 (Official Build) (64-bit), which appears to be the current one.
The Chrome browser works correctly on the same laptop without such issues. Did not test it with other browsers.
EDIT; unistalling and reinstalling Brave did not help.