Browser graphics is completely broken

How did you do this? Did you change the launch target so it wouldn’t launch with GPU? Or did you change something in OS settings itself? Asking this especially since you’re saying can’t access settings.

Also will quote Mattches on another question here:

Also want to make sure, have you made sure to check for updates to drivers?

And are you downloading from or from another source?


When asking about if you launched from command, I’m referencing:

Go to your desktop shortcut for Brave and right mouse click and choose Properties.

You’ll see something like below:

On the Target line you’ll see something like "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --profile-directory="Default"

Change the word Default to Test Profile So it would end up being something like:

"C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --profile-directory="Test Profile"

Click Apply and then you can hit Ok. When you open that desktop shortcut, it should open your browser in a new profile, where the page will look like below:

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