Brave's problem with YouTube...and not only with youtube

Brave has a problem on YouTube. When i click a video in order to play it the image is freeze but the sound is played.

The same problem appears again and again on different sites. The video is freeze but not the sound.

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I have the same problem:

It occurs on a windows 10 and version Version 0.67.125 Chromium: 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Youtube is a must to

Also the amazon music bans this browser, it is going to force me to go back to chrome

having the same problem. any updates from Brave?

Same issue since the last update.
Using brave for Android, videos on numerous sites (YouTube, Facebook are my prime examples) can watch part of the video fine, but then screen freezes, cannot edit app, but I can hear systems sounds (notifications) in the background, and I get haptic feedback when I hold down the power button (the feedback is from power options opening).

There is no way to escape this error except a hard reboot by holding the power button down.

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