Just went to activate VPN on my Desktop (Brave 1.60.118, when first posting it showed no updates but now in edit seems to have update available., And Windows 11 Pro) but yet again have the Session Expired
on it.
At least it lasted longer this time, but on my iPhone, it still disconnects daily. I have provided details on iPhone issue over at https://github.com/brave/brave-ios/issues/7504 and am hoping @michal is able to follow up there at some point, as I know @brian tagged him there last week asking if he is also able to replicate the issue.
On iPhone, it was showing me not connected and unable to activate VPN. I went ahead and updated to 1.60 and tried, but same thing. So I went ahead and went to account.brave.com and did Refresh VPN
. I currently have it activated on iPhone but it seems to still show an expiration date for the connection to be today. So generally what happens is it’ll be kicked off again tomorrow.
Is this happening because of @GuardianTeam blocking things or is this something screwy going on with Brave?
And are we ever going to get this all resolved? It’s crazy to see how much of a struggle it is to try to use Brave VPN compared to competitors.