Brave settings returning to default after closing and re-launching the browser; this specifically relates to the Brave "Trackers & ads blocking" and "Block fingerprinting" settings in "shields"

OS: Windows 11
Brave: Release Notes v1.48.171 (Feb 23, 2023)

There is a similar ticket to my enquiry:

This previous ticket is not relevant to the presenting issues.

To reproduce the issue:

1.0 Launch Brave
1.1 Settings > Reset settings
1.2 Close Brave
2.0 Launch Brave
2.1 Settings > Shields then change Trackers & ads blocking to ‘Aggressive’ and Block fingerprinting to 'Strict, may break sites."
2.2 Open a new tab
2.3 Settings > Shields then note that Trackers & ads blocking is still set to ‘Aggressive’ and Block fingerprinting is still set to 'Strict, may break sites."
2.4 Close Brave
3.0 Launch Brave
3.1 Settings > Shields then note that Trackers & ads blocking has defaulted to ‘Standard’ and Block fingerprinting is has defaulted to 'Standard."
3.2 Close Brave
4.0 Give the issus a couple of days to see if fixed
4.1 Note problem not fixed
5.0 Repeat steps 1 through 4 and double check if the problem is repeatable
5.1 Create Brave account and ticket

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@Abug please accept my apologies for this inconvenience. Please go to brave://settings/clearBrowserData > On Exit and make sure that Site and Shields settings is unchecked to see if this solves the issue.

Let me know if that works.

Thank you.

The solution you forwarded has fixed the issue.

Have a great day.,


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