Brave rewards seem to be screwed

I have an estimated 20 BAT showing as AD rewards payout in May. I have had about as much in previous months but all the BAT vanished on payout day and did not end up in my Uphold wallet.

My rewards statement is showing zero BAT for previous months.

I can see no reason why this should happen.

I expect it to happen again in May.

There are com nice fatures in Brave but it feels immature to me and I have had problems with, for example, online banking, that did not occur when I reverted to Firefox (these problems seem to be gone now and most do not persist).

#Braverewardsscrewed uo

Hi @AlexK - thanks for writing in. Is it possible that the BAT from previous months was from grants and not Ads?

This months payout report is currently processing. If you haven’t received your payout by tomorrow evening please let me know.

Uphold tell me I got 24.934 BAT from an uphold member.
If that was my payout, OK, and there has been a lot of confusion


My monthly statement shows zero from adds.

PLease clarify

Hi @AlexK - here is the latest - May 5th Ads Reward Claim Errors

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