Finally! I think brave rewards are back to normal, I’ve been getting 0.01/ad like before for the sponsored images (every 4th tab ones)
finally I receive something for ads!
From the ad’s the BAT’s are ok but from the sponsored images, it seems the problem persist T_T…
Seems like it… but for how long. Lol
That is a useless choice for most computer rigs. Android devices just wont pay you out anything. And windows devices could only payout if they are really beefed with multiple gpus, or few flagship gpus. A browser that mines on your computer is a bad idea. If you want to mine, might as well start a rig.
No worries, I am aware of that its nothing as compared to a mining rig but it’s good to have some mining experience.
Even though I have seen people getting payouts of more than $400 per month not cuz of mining but with help of a 15x booster pack which gives you up to 22,500 H/s (hash rate per second) for 12 months and Mainly with its (10 level affiliate program).
but it not happen with mine. till now i am receiving just only 0.005 bat for a image for a long time . and also received 0.001-0.005 bat for per ads . while before i receive 0.025 bat per ads . i dont know whats going wrong with me . its very hard to collect 1 bat in a month now . i get only 1 bat after receiving 176 ads , while the same time someone receive more than 2 bat for just 65 bat , its a big partiality .
Just went down back to 0.005 WOW…
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