Brave premium search

Description of the issue:

Just purchased brave premium search/account and everytime I close my browser and re open it I am presented with the standard brave search screen and I am asked to create a new account and buy again.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Not sure

Expected result:

How do I stay logged into my account to use the paid features?

Brave Version( check About Brave):


Mobile Device details

S23 Ultra
One UI 5.1
Android 13

@SaltyBanana Could you please assist ? Thanks so much!

Hi @acmech87 welcome to Community :wave:

Can you elaborate the above?

If you have an active Brave Premium subscription, you will need to go to ->select the gear icon → select Go Premium and it should take you to to sign into your account.

It should look similar to this:

Feel free to share screenshots or a short clip to demonstrate the issue you are experiencing.


That’s exactly what I’ve done and have been doing. The issue is when I close all my tabs and the browser on my phone and then when I open the browser again, I have to log back in and re send the email verification to and then it loads brave premium again.

So it seems that when I close my browser, these settings or whatever are erased. What settings do I need to change for this to not happen?

Hi @acmech87 sending you a DM now.

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