Brave on Windows 10 not working

OS: Windows 10
Brave: “Windows 64-bit”

App opens, but only shows a blank white screen. : (

I tried to troubleshoot following this forum, but I’m in way over my head.

Antivirus stopping Brave???

I hardly touch any of the computer settings. The computer is mostly at default/factory settings.

I believe the OS is running Windows Defender and McAfee.

I tried to “green light” Brave in Windows Defender, issue stayed the same. I cannot find a setting in McAfee to specifically approve Brave to run, if it is the antivirus software preventing it from running.

App Folder???

The forum also mentioned deleting and re-adding a folder. I cannot even find the folder they are talking about on my computer. : (

Any help is appreciated!!! Thank you!!! : )


Can you try the solution proposed here and ell me if this works for you?

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Yes, that did it!!! It’s working fine now. Thank you so much!


Glad that did the trick. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.